28 documents found
Head: Pylypenko Victor Vasylyevych. POGO-stability estimation of an integral launch vechicle. (popup.stage: ). The Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. № 0214U000941
Head: Пилипенко Віктор Васильович. POGO-stability estimation of an integrated launch vechicle. Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. № 0112U005447
Head: Pylypenko Viktor Vasylyevych. Studies of gas and plasma dynamiks of technical systems with the aim of their reliable function guarantee. (popup.stage: ). Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and NSAU. № 0212U002824
Head: Пилипенко Віктор Васильович. Solution of Current Problems in Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics and Plasma Dynamics of Technical Systems.. Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. № 0112U001325
Head: Pilipenko Victor Vasilyovich. Mathematical Modelling Dynamic Processes in Liquid Rockets with Cavitating Pumps, Driils with Cavitation Hydraulic Vibration and Solution of Inverse Problem of Blade Rims for Compressors of Aircraft Gas-Turbine Engines. (popup.stage: ). Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and NSAU. № 0211U006777
Head: Pylypenko Victor Vasylyovych. Studies in the effects of vibration loads on the behavior of the gas-fluid system of the propellant tank section of the Cyclon-4 space launch vehicle third stage in operation of engines of the first, second and third stages considering improved data of the results of the RD 861K cruise engine development.. (popup.stage: Дослідження впливу вібронавантажень на поведінку газорідинної системи паливного відсіку III ступеню РКП "Циклон-4" при роботі двигунів I, II та III ступенів з урахуванням уточнених даних за результатами відпрацювання маршового двигуна РД 861К). Institute of Technical Mechanics NASU and NSAU. № 0309U000439
Head: Pylypenko Victor Vasyliyovych. Scientific and technical support of creation of perspective space-rocket technology. (popup.stage: Науково-технічне супроводження створення перспективної ракетно-космічної техніки). Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and NSAU. № 0309U007124
Head: Pilipenko Viktor Vasilyovich. POGO-stability analysis of the Taurus II launch vehicle. Preliminary analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the liquid propulsion system of the Taurus II launch vehicle with the POGO-suppressor. (popup.stage: Аналіз поздовжньої стійкості РН "Таурус II". Попередній теоретичний аналіз динамічних характеристик системи живлення РРДУ РН "Таурус II" з демпфером поздовжніх коливань). Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and NSAU. № 0309U000216
Head: Пилипенко Віктор Васильович. Scientific and technical support of creation of perspective space-rocket technology. Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. № 0108U008897
Head: Пилипенко Віктор Васильович. POGO-stability analysis of the Taurus II launch vehicle. Preliminary analysis of the dynamic characteristics of theliquid propulsion system of the Taurus II launch vehicle with the POGO-suppressor. Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. № 0108U006769
28 documents found

Updated: 2024-12-10