352170 documents found Search results are limited. 1000 documents displayed. Please, detail request
Head: Arbuzov Maksym A.. Investigation of raising the outer rail in curved sections of the track. Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies. № 0224U002903
Yulia M. Pavlenko. Formation of micro-populations of livestock with unique productive properties using selection and genetic methods : Доктор сільськогосподарських наук : spec.. 06.02.01 - Розведення та селекція тварин : presented. 2024-02-13; . Sumy National Agrarian University. – Суми, 0524U000073.
Oleksandr Striuk. Ensuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises on an innovative basis : Доктор філософії : spec.. 051 - Економіка : presented. 2023-12-05; . Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. – Суми, 0824U001163.
Anna O. Bolotina. Criminal protection of intellectual property rights in the context of judicial reform in Ukraine : Доктор філософії : spec.. 081 - Право : presented. 2023-12-15; . Sumy National Agrarian University. – Суми, 0824U001176.
Zhuoran Li. Management of investment development of the agricultural sector of the econom : Доктор філософії : spec.. 073 - Менеджмент : presented. 2023-12-08; . Sumy National Agrarian University. – Суми, 0824U001175.
Head: Gutkevych Svitlana O.. Intensification of investment activity in economic sectors. National university of food technologies. № 0224U002897
Yuliia Fedik. Multimodal Means of a Politician’s Image Portraying (a Case Study of American Mass Media Cartoons) : Доктор філософії : spec.. 035 - Філологія : presented. 2024-04-01; . Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. – Луцьк, 0824U001182.
Oksana Furman. Multimodal Means of Prevention Actualization in Short Texts (a Case Study of the English-Language COVID-19 Resources) : Доктор філософії : spec.. 035 - Філологія : presented. 2024-04-01; . Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. – Луцьк, 0824U001184.
Pavlo P. Khomiak. Roman Catholic clergy of the Lviv and Lutsk dioceses 1939–1991: peculiarities of activity : Доктор філософії : spec.. 032 - Історія та археологія : presented. 2024-04-03; . Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. – Луцьк, 0824U001178.
Sofiia H. Trusenko. Formation of musical and poetic integrity in the vocal cycles of Yaroslav Vereshchahin : Доктор філософії : spec.. 025 - Музичне мистецтво : presented. 2024-05-08; . Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music. – Київ, 0824U001171.
352170 documents found Search results are limited. 1000 documents displayed. Please, detail request

Updated: 2024-04-29