351942 documents found Search results are limited. 1000 documents displayed. Please, detail request
Volodymyr V. Buha. Administrative and legal principles of prevention of offenses in the field of construction in Ukraine : Доктор юридичних наук : spec.. 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право : presented. 2024-05-09; . Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. – Кропивницький, 0524U000112.
Head: Astistova Tetiana I.. Software development in the tasks of managing education institutions. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. № 0224U031331
Anna Husarchuk. Clinical-Functional, Endothelial and Immune-Inflammatory Aspects of a Comorbid Course of Ischemic Heart Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Peculiarities of Therapeutic Tactics : Доктор філософії : spec.. 222 - Медицина : presented. 2023-01-24; . Bukovinian State Medical University. – Чернівці, 0824U001512.
Tetiana Glushchenko. Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases in patients with metabolic syndrome : Доктор філософії : spec.. 221 - Стоматологія : presented. 2023-01-23; . Bukovinian State Medical University. – Чернівці, 0824U001510.
Head: Zaiats Viktor V.. The national aspect of mutual administrative assistance within the framework of the Convention on a common transit procedure. State Tax University. № 0224U003120
Head: Yuliia Khokhlachova. Models of cyber protection information systems. National Aviation University. № 0224U031330
Mabrouk Ben Othmen. Clinico-pathogenetic and chronobiological features of the cardiovascular system functioning in children with obstructive bronchitis : Доктор філософії : spec.. 228 - Педіатрія : presented. 2023-03-22; . Bukovinian State Medical University. – Чернівці, 0824U001497.
Igor G. Churilov. Peculiarities of thermal influence on morphological changes and the mechanism of liquid phase formation in condensed one-component films (Pb, Sn, In, Bi) and in binary layered films (Bi/Sn, Pb/Sn, Pb/In) : Кандидат фізико-математичних наук : spec.. 01.04.07 - Фізика твердого тіла : presented. 2024-03-29; . V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. – Харків, 0424U000081.
Gennadiy D. Reznikov. Peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment of diseases with symptoms of the lower urinary tract in young men : Доктор філософії : spec.. 222 - Медицина : presented. 2024-05-21; . Bogomolets National Medical University. – Київ, 0824U001500.
Head: Skyba Halyna V.. Analysis of prospects for the use of waste from a woodworking enterprise (on the example of P.R. Svidersky FOP). Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. № 0224U003129
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Updated: 2024-04-19