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R & D report
Head: Minieiev Serhii P.. Conduct a study of sources of methane release, develop recommendations for ensuring the safe conduct of work and agree on the terms of dismantling the equipment in the 3rd southern bench of the southern slope of the layer l21 of the 450 m horizon in the conditions of the mine "Dobropilska" of the SE "Mining Management "Dobropilske" of the SE "DOBROPILLYAVUGILLIA-VYDOBUTOK", according to KD 12 -01-401-96 "Endogenous fires in Donbas coal mines. Warning and extinguishing. Instruction".. Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after MS Polyakova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. № 0224U002936
1 documents found

Updated: 2024-05-19