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R & D report
Head: Minieiev Serhii Р.. Carry out research of methane sources and develop the «Project of degassing of the excavation section of the 1043rd lava of the mine «Zahidno-Donbaska» PSD «Management of the mine TЕRNIVSKE” PJSC «DFEK PAVLOGRADVUGILLYA», to approve the "Project of isolated removal of the MПС from the produced space of the excavation section of the 1043rd lava on short rigid pipelines due to the general mine depression", to develop recommendations for the release of the output air stream from the preparatory face Arrival № 3 from СМВШ № 2 formation C8 on СМВШ formation C10 in the fresh stream of air entering the preparatory work 1043 split furnace and recommendations for the release of the output air stream from the preparatory face ЗМОШ formation C5 in a fresh stream of air entering the preparatory production of ЗМКШ formation C5 for PSD «Management of the mine TЕRNIVSKE” (mine «Zahidno-Donbaska») PJSC «DFEK PAVLOGRADVUGILLYA».. Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after MS Polyakova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. № 0222U004547
1 documents found

Updated: 2024-05-04