У січні-лютому 2024 року відбудуться чергові зустрічі безкоштовного розмовного клубу англійської мови.

Планується проведення зустрічей за наступними темами: «The future of technology: how soon robots will rule the world» – Discuss how technology is shaping our future. What advancements excite you the most? Are there any you fear? Engage in a debate about the balance between technological growth and human well-being (8 січня 2024 року); «Hobbies Highlight» – Share your hobbies and interests, whether it’s photography, painting, hiking, or gaming. Discuss tips, experiences, and the joy that comes from pursuing your favorite activities (15 січня 2024 року); «Global News Roundup» – Stay updated on current events and engage in discussions about global news, politics, and social issues. Share perspectives on world events and gain insights into diverse opinions (22 січня 2024 року); «Career Chronicles» – Share career successes, challenges, and aspirations. Discuss strategies for professional growth, work-life balance, and any industry-specific topics of interest (29 січня 2024 року); «If you could have a superpower, what would it be?» – Invisibility, super strength, flying, super speed, reading one’s mind… What would you choose? Let’s talk about crazy dreams and human abilities that really amaze (5 лютого 2024 року); «Culinary Corner» – Share and swap favorite recipes, cooking techniques, and culinary adventures. Discuss global cuisines, unique food experiences, and the joy of discovering new tastes (12 лютого 2024 року); «Environmental Explorations» – Discuss environmental issues, conservation efforts, and sustainable living practices. Share personal experiences in promoting eco-friendly habits and explore ways to contribute to a greener future (19 лютого 2024 року); «Life’s Lessons – Share valuable life lessons and experiences that have shaped who you are. Discuss personal growth, resilience, and the wisdom gained from challenges. Encourage others to share their own insights (26 лютого 2024 року). Організатор – Державна науково-технічна бібліотека України

Детальніше: https://dntb.gov.ua/news/19178, https://meet.google.com/jen-migd-ekn, https://meet.google.com/myu-cwkj-ekn, https://meet.google.com/dxz-bzks-kqj, https://meet.google.com/rdz-afzf-dfx, https://meet.google.com/cec-eqxb-pou, https://meet.google.com/pqk-pkim-wuy, https://meet.google.com/shb-vhcw-pkc, https://meet.google.com/wvv-rnpd-hkw

Фото: ДНТБ

