352093 documents found Search results are limited. 1000 documents displayed. Please, detail request
Head: Didukh Volodymyr F.. The Recycling Technologies of the harvesting and processing of the Oilseed Bast Crops Biomass. Lutsk National Technical University. № 0224U031377
Yuliia V. Strutynska. The use of different forms of sakura (Prunus serrulata L.) in mono-gardens of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine : Доктор філософії : spec.. 206 - Садово-паркове господарство : presented. 2024-06-10; . Uman National University of Horticul Ture. – Умань, 0824U001589.
LIUDMYLA V. KORENIVSKA. Strategic management of the efficiency of production and sales of hemp products. : Доктор філософії : spec.. 073 - Менеджмент : presented. 2024-03-11; . Sumy National Agrarian University. – Суми, 0824U001583.
Igor Y. Tymochko. Ecological principles of the functioning and preservation of protective forest plantations of the North-Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine : Доктор сільськогосподарських наук : spec.. 03.00.16 - Екологія : presented. 2024-04-18; . Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine. – Київ, 0524U000122.
Head: Havriushenko Hanna V.. Strategy of economic and social development of the territorial community as a tool for effective use of the resource potential of the territory. State establishment "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national University". № 0224U031375
Head: Petryk Mykhailo R.. Methods and high-performance technologies of mathematical modeling and functional identification of complex multicomponent systems and processes (nanoporous and nanoscale structures, safe energy objects, cognitive systems). Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj. № 0224U031374
Head: Tarasiuk Mykhailo Viktorovych. The role of management and marketing in entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Kiyv National Linguistic University. № 0224U031373
Head: Kaletnik Hryhorii M.. The research of energy-efficient vibrating equipment for drying of agricultural raw materials. Vinnitsa National Agrarian University. № 0224U031371
Head: Petrenko Anatolii I.. Implementation of a service-oriented approach to the processes of society digitalization. Educational and Scientific Complex "Institute for Applied System Analysis" of National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". № 0224U031370
Head: Dehtiarov Ivan M.. Development of a robotic platform for small arms control. Sumy State University. № 0224U031372
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Updated: 2024-04-25